Monday, January 26, 2015

CURSOR and Temporary Table on Microsoft SQL Server

Prepare the Ingredients
We have four tables named food_category, food, orders, and orders_detail. The Structure of the tables :

food table
No. Table Name Data Type Desc.
1 food_id INT PK, Autoincrement
2 food_name VARCHAR(255) -
3 food_description VARCHAR(255) -
4 food_status BIT -
5 category_id INT FK

food_category table
No. Table Name Data Type Desc.
1 category_id INT PK, Autoincrement
2 category_name VARCHAR(100) -
3 category_description VARCHAR(255) -
4 category_status BIT -

orders table
No. Table Name Data Type Desc.
1 order_id INT PK, Autoincrement
2 order_date DATE -
3 order_description VARCHAR(255) -
4 order_status BIT -

orders_detail table
No. Table Name Data Type Desc.
1 order_detail_id INT PK, Autoincrement
2 order_id INT FK
3 food_id INT FK
4 amount INT -

Here is the relationship between food, food_category, orders, and orders_detail table :

We want to get a list of foods with minimum sales of [X] item.

Let's Cook, Bro !
1. Run your Visual Studio. I’m using Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as DataSource
2. Create a New Web Site > ASP.NET Empty Web Site > Give the name of Food : menu02_cursortemptable
3. Add New Item > Web Form > Default.aspx
4. Create a simple page like this :

5. Create a New Stored Procedure, write this query, and execute the query :

USE [menu02]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_view_food_order] Script Date: 01/26/2015 13:43:17 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Yudha Permana
-- Create date: 2015-01-22
-- Description: Cursor and Temporary Table
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_view_food_order]
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @minimum_amount AS INT
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    -- Decalare Temporary Variable to Store food_id from CURSOR
    DECLARE @get_food_id INT

    -- Declare Temporary Table
    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE(col_food_id INT,
                col_food_name VARCHAR(255),
                col_food_description VARCHAR(255))

    -- Declare CURSOR to Get the List of food_id (Selected Category and All Orders)
    DECLARE cursor_food_id CURSOR
        SELECT DISTINCT(food_id)
        FROM orders_detail
        WHERE amount > @minimum_amount

    -- Open the CURSOR
    OPEN cursor_food_id
    -- If Data is Available
    IF @@CURSOR_ROWS > 0
      FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_food_id INTO @get_food_id
          -- Store the Value on Temporary Table
          INSERT INTO @TempTable(col_food_id, col_food_name,
          SELECT food_id, food_name, food_description
          FROM food
          WHERE food_id = @get_food_id

          FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_food_id INTO @get_food_id

    -- Close the CURSOR
    CLOSE cursor_food_id
    DEALLOCATE cursor_food_id


    -- View the Result of Temporary Table
    SELECT * FROM @TempTable;

6. Back to Visual Studio 2010, Click Gridview, Configure Data Source...

7. Choose the Data Connection from your local DataSource.

8. Choose "Specify a custom SQL statement or stored procedure" when configure the Select Statement.

9. Choose your Stored procedure.

10. Define Parameters :

No. Parameters Parameter Source ControlID DefaultValue
1 minimum_amount Control txtAmount 1

11. Test the Query with several parameters.

Okey… It’s time to EAT :-)

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