Monday, January 5, 2015

How to Show All Category of Item to Gridview based on Dropdownlist ASP.NET

Prepare the Ingredients
We have two table named food_category and food. The Structure of the tables :

food table
No. Table Name Data Type Desc.
1 food_id AutoNumber PK, Autoincrement
2 food_name Short Text(255) -
3 description Short Text(255) -
4 food_status Yes/No -
5 category_id Number FK

food_category table
No. Table Name Data Type Desc.
1 category_id AutoNumber PK, Autoincrement
2 category_name Short Text(100) -
3 description Short Text(255) -
4 category_status Yes/No -

Here is the relationship between food and food_category table :

Now... Let's Cook !
1. Run your Visual Studio. I’m using Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Access as DataSource for this food
2. Create a New Web Site > ASP.NET Empty Web Site > Give the name of Food : menu01_allcategory
3. Add New Item > Web Form > Default.aspx
4. Add ASP.NET Folder > App_Data
5. Add Exisitng Access Database on App_Data folder
6. Create a simple page like this :

7. Assign food_category DataSource to a DropDownList and food DataSource to a GridView
8. Change the properties of DropDownList : “AppendDataBoudItems” to True, “AutoPostBack” to True
9. Edit Item on a DropDownList, Add a ListItem, Text = All Category, Value = 0
10. Edit the Query of food DataSource :

SELECT [food_id], [food_name], [description], [food_status], [category_id]
FROM [food] WHERE ([food_status] = ?)
AND (([category_id] = ?) OR (’0′ = ?))

11. Define Parameters :

No. Parameters Parameter Source ControlID DefaultValue
1 food_status None - True
2 category_id Control DropDownList1 0
3 category_id Control DropDownList1 0

Okey… It’s time to EAT :-)

Download Source :

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